Wednesday, December 14, 2016

Today, inspired by our Forever Falcon Faris, we traveled to KIPP Shine to work with Brighter Bites.
Wow! We worked diligently and quickly to pack around 700 bags of produce for families. I would love to hear what you thought about our time there. Please respond using a 5 sentence paragraph.

Wednesday, December 7, 2016

Traditions and Giving!

 Let's share about holiday traditions, fun and giving! Will you celebrate Hanukkah or Christmas? What is a special family tradition that you look forward to each year? How do you plan to think of others during this "most wonderful time of the year?"

Wednesday, November 30, 2016


Our class read aloud is The Tale of Desperaux by Kate DiCamillo. We have been working to read intensely: make movies in our mind as we read, feel empathy for characters, think and react. What are your thoughts about the book and the characters we have met so far? Please share a few sentences about your thinking (learning, wonders, connections, wows etc). 
**If you have read the book or have seen the movie, please don't spoil what is to come, just focus on what we've read so far. 

Tuesday, November 15, 2016

Giving Thanks

Thanksgiving is just a week away. Many of us will spend time with family and friends. This holiday gives us a chance to think of what we are grateful for. 
Please share some of the people, experiences or things that fill your heart with thanksgiving! Don't forget to elaborate on WHY these people, experiences or things make you feel grateful. Write at least 4 sentences please. 

Wednesday, November 9, 2016

Books Between Kids!

Today, we had the opportunity to visit the Books Between Kids warehouse to organize and sort books that will go to children who do not have books in their homes.  Please take time to reflect and write about your experience this morning. What did you like best about this field trip? Do you think your time there was well-spent? Would you want to participate in something like this again?

Wednesday, November 2, 2016

Leaders All Around

We have talked often about your role as a 4th grade leader and what character traits leaders possess. In our latest reading unit, Leaders: Real and Imagined we are learning about unlikely leaders and ways they use a situation to lead by example and rise above conflict. Today, we discovered how Ruby Bridges, at age 6, became a leader.

Who do you look up to as a leader? Why do you think this person is a leader? What leadership traits does he/she display? View our Characteristics of a Leader chart to help you think about this.

Remember, there are unlikely leaders all around us...even YOU!

Wednesday, October 26, 2016

Internet Safety

Internet Safety is part of being a good digital citizen! Do you know what it takes to be safe online? Watch the video and respond with at least one thing you learned and at least one comment you have. That is a TWO COMPLETE SENTENCES answer requirement. Here's the link. Enjoy!

BrainPOP Digital Etiquette

Wednesday, October 19, 2016

Immigration and Naturalization Ceremony

Today we were privileged to be in the audience as 1,714 people took the oath to become American citizens! You then had the unique opportunity to interview the newest Americans. Please write a reflection about your experience today.  Think about the information you have studied and what you have learned about the history of immigration and the process of becoming a citizen. How did it feel to witness so many becoming fellow Americans? What will you take away from this experience and hope to remember? Please write a minimum of 5 sentences. Be specific and thoughtful. 

Tuesday, October 4, 2016

What's your opinion?

Reread the Scholastic News debate Do Kids Need Homework?

Pretend you are entering this debate. Are you going to argue the "pro" side - students should have some homework or the "con" side - students should not have homework?

Please write a 4-5 sentence response. Make sure to include specific details about your reasoning. You can include your own experiences or background knowledge support your opinion. I look forward to reading your responses!

Wednesday, May 11, 2016

I had a wonderful time listening to the fourth graders give their Living History speeches! As I was listening, my brain was surfing for new learning and fun facts. Also, I noticed that many of the people featured demonstrated amazing character traits that lead to their successes and accomplishments.

Use the notes you took to write about new learning, fun facts and/or thoughts about the important character traits of ONE or TWO of the famous people you met. Please share what you learned! 

Wednesday, April 27, 2016

Field Trip

Tomorrow we'll travel downtown and back in time as we tour historic homes from the Houston area! This year we've also been to Panda Path and the Jesse Jones Nature Center. Think back to your lower school experience. What has been your favorite field trip ever? Was is a trip from 3rd grade, 2nd grade or even Kindergarten? Please write about your favorite field trip experience. Why was it the best field trip ever?

Wednesday, April 20, 2016

Hello Mystery Writers!

Let's share our mystery ideas and have a conversation. Who is your lead detective? What special character traits does he or she have? Does your lead detective have a sidekick?

What is the case or problem that your detective character will be solving? Give us a sneak peak into your setting, suspects, clues, red herrings or plot twists. Think about how you'd like to publish your mystery and vote on the poll!

Tuesday, April 12, 2016

Field Day...a Kinkaid Tradition!

Field Day is a wonderful day! Students and teachers from all three divisions of the school come together to have fun, participate in the events and enjoy the fair.

Let's share! 

 Why do you think that this is an important day for our school community? What is your favorite Field Day memory? What are you looking forward to this year? How are you feeling about the jump rope race?


Thursday, April 7, 2016

We made it to Oregon!!

We had wonderful time sharing our Westward Expansion projects and work yesterday! I am curious. What was your favorite activity that we did during this unit? Was it the researching and journal writing, the iMovie, QRcode with audio and video, reading Hattie's journal or another activity?

Please give a detailed explanation about what you liked or did not enjoy as much. Maybe you'll influence how we explore pioneer life next year!  Write four to five complete sentences. Check your punctuation.  

Wednesday, March 30, 2016

Big Ideas - Westward Expansion

Now that we have arrived in Oregon, let's talk about the big ideas of Westward Expansion!

Did the pioneers achieve their goals? Were the hardships of the trail worth the final result? What changes did Westward Expansion bring?  Let's discuss the good, the bad and the final results of the trail!

Wednesday, March 23, 2016

The Power of Words

On Monday, Mrs. Babine spoke to third and fourth grades about the power of words. We discussed our core values and how we have a responsibility to use our words respectfully and with kindness. Please share an example of how words have power. Have you ever been lifted up by someone's words? Have you lifted another person up with your words? Maybe you can share a way to use your words for good. 

Wednesday, March 9, 2016

iMovie Trailer

We will create iMovie Trailers about a topic from the Oregon Trail. What did you learn about creating iMovie Trailers today? What is your research topic? What do you hope to put into your iMovie Trailer? What new information did you find to add to your trailer today?

Wednesday, March 2, 2016

A Long Trip

We are reading The Oregon Trail Diary of Hattie Campbell. Hattie and her family will travel 2,000 miles from Independence, Missouri to Oregon Country. The trip is slow-going and takes 6 months by wagon! Think about the longest trip you have been on. How did you get to your destination (hike, bike, car, plane)? What did you do for entertainment? How did you feel when you arrived? 
**Please write a few well-written sentences. Do your best! 

Wednesday, February 24, 2016

Manifest Destiny!

Pioneer Personalities

Westward Ho!
Last week we chose our pioneer names. Introduce yourself to the wagon train. Tell your name, age, gender and your role in the family. Use your knowledge from our research and Hattie Campbell's Diary to tell about your responsibilities on the trail. 

Wednesday, February 17, 2016

Visiting Author - Jason Chin

Next week we have the unique opportunity to meet the amazing author and illustrator, Jason Chin! We have read Coral Reefs and have other books in our classroom. Think about what you've learned about his writing and illustrations. If you could ask Jason Chin a question, what would it be? Which of his research topics is most interesting for you? (Gravity, Coral Reefs, Redwoords, the water cycle, Galapagos Islands) 

Wednesday, February 10, 2016

Westward Expansion

We have been building background knowledge for our Westward Expansion Unit. We've learned about the Lewis and Clark Expedition. In library, we learned some information about supplies needed to take the six month journey west. What are at least two wonders you would like to investigate further? Please read each other's comments and try not to repeat posts.

Wednesday, February 3, 2016

International Fair - Travel Log

We've returned from our travels to South Korea and Denmark! View photos here!
As you reflect think: what did you hear, see and do? What was your favorite experience in South Korea? What was your favorite experience in Denmark? Please share new learning with us! What surprised you? If you could go back to one country, which would it be?

Wednesday, January 27, 2016

The One and Only Ivan

The One and Only Ivan

Ivan the Silverback has been in his domain separated from his kind for years. He has made friends with Bob, Stella, Julia and precious baby elephant Ruby.

Please write a few sentences about your thoughts on this book so far. What do you think? Which character is your favorite? Why? What character traits make him or her interesting to you? What big ideas or themes do you recognize in the book so far?

Wednesday, January 20, 2016

Realistic Fiction - Problem Share

Writers, we have all been working on plotting out our stories on story mountains. As we know, the event at the top of the mountain is when the problem is at its worst or most challenging point. Please share your mountain tops with us! What is the most intense part of your story...the problem at its worst!

Wednesday, January 13, 2016

Character Traits

     We have been getting to know the characters in our books by studying their words and actions. We can notice patterns of how the character acts to come up with a big idea or theory about his or her character. In Writing Workshop, we are developing a character map for a realistic fiction character. We are mapping out physical traits and character traits. Please share about a character you are developing in Writing Workshop. Who is the main character in your realistic fiction story? What are his or her character traits? Will your character change across the story? 

Wednesday, January 6, 2016

International Fair - South Korea

We have been exploring South Korea in preparation for International Fair. What was one of your wonders about South Korea? Have you found the answer yet? Use this link LS Subscription Databases to read more if needed. Please tell us what your wonder was and then write two new facts you have learned.  Read your classmates' responses and try to post something new and different!