Wednesday, March 30, 2016

Big Ideas - Westward Expansion

Now that we have arrived in Oregon, let's talk about the big ideas of Westward Expansion!

Did the pioneers achieve their goals? Were the hardships of the trail worth the final result? What changes did Westward Expansion bring?  Let's discuss the good, the bad and the final results of the trail!

Wednesday, March 23, 2016

The Power of Words

On Monday, Mrs. Babine spoke to third and fourth grades about the power of words. We discussed our core values and how we have a responsibility to use our words respectfully and with kindness. Please share an example of how words have power. Have you ever been lifted up by someone's words? Have you lifted another person up with your words? Maybe you can share a way to use your words for good. 

Wednesday, March 9, 2016

iMovie Trailer

We will create iMovie Trailers about a topic from the Oregon Trail. What did you learn about creating iMovie Trailers today? What is your research topic? What do you hope to put into your iMovie Trailer? What new information did you find to add to your trailer today?

Wednesday, March 2, 2016

A Long Trip

We are reading The Oregon Trail Diary of Hattie Campbell. Hattie and her family will travel 2,000 miles from Independence, Missouri to Oregon Country. The trip is slow-going and takes 6 months by wagon! Think about the longest trip you have been on. How did you get to your destination (hike, bike, car, plane)? What did you do for entertainment? How did you feel when you arrived? 
**Please write a few well-written sentences. Do your best!