Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Dear Class, 
It's so exciting! Winter break is near! What are your plans? What are you looking forward to most? Are you traveling or staying in Houston? 
If you celebrate Christmas, I wish you a very Merry Christmas. I cannot wait to see all of you in the New Year! Happy Holidays!

Wednesday, December 12, 2012

This morning on KLS, Mrs. Babine talked about how sometimes in life it is the small things you do for others that count. Writing a letter to your grandmother, holding the door for your parents on your way in to a restaurant, making a homemade present for a friend—these are all small things that mean A LOT. With the holiday season coming up, what are some small things you can do for others? Write at least 3 complete sentences.  Be very thoughtful about what you write. 

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Fill me in!

Dear Third Graders,
I miss you all! I am so glad I got to come see The Legend of 10 Suns. You all were incredible! I know you've been working hard at school. What is your favorite project right now? You can tell me about something you are working on in our class (like the Native American Study, fiction writing) or something in music, art, science or even PE! I want to know what you are excited about and why! I look forward to reading your posts!
Mrs. Kottler

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Thanksgiving is just a week away. Many of us will spend time with family and friends. This holiday gives us a chance to think of what we are grateful for. 
Please share some of the people and things that fill your heart with thanksgiving! Write at lease 3 sentences please. 

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Native American Study
What is one interesting fact you have learned about your tribe's food, dwellings or clothing? What is one question you would still like to find the answer to?

Tuesday, October 30, 2012

It's the night before Halloween! Is your costume ready? What will you be for Halloween? What is your Halloween night tradition?

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Writing Workshop - Realistic Fiction

Please share your realistic fiction story idea. Where does your story take place? Who is the main character? What problem will your character face?

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Native American Study

We are beginning our unit study on Native Americans. We've learned that there are 6 different regions in North America that native people lived in. Here are the tribes our class will study:

  • The Chumash - California Coastal Region

  • The Hopi - Southwestern Desert Region

  • The Blackfeet - Northern Plains

  • The Comanche - Southern Plains

  • Cherokee - Southeast (Mountains)

  • Ojibwa - Eastern Woodlands / Great Lakes Area

Which region or tribe are you interested in studying? Please explain why.

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Aliens on Vacation

We finished our first class read aloud today. What was your favorite moment in the book? What did you think of the ending? Would you recommend this book to a friend? Why? Please respond with at least 4 sentences. 

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

 Getting to Know You

We are 29 days into 3rd Grade!
What are your favorite things about 3rd Grade so far? What is your favorite class or subject? What do you look forward to most each day? Please explain why.
Also, tell us about your favorite activities outside of school. What are your hobbies? What do you like to do in your free time?

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Independent Reading Recommendations
We love to read for fun!
Please share the book that you are reading and tell us why you like it! Make US want to read YOUR book!

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Writing Workshop

We are working on drafts of our Personal Narratives! We have learned to zoom in and tell the most important details. We are revising our drafts to include strong leads and endings. We have examined how the use of dialogue, action, and writing descriptively to provide the reader with mental images improves our writing. Please share your story lead, ending or a memorable line from your story. What technique did you use? Give us a sneak peak and spark our interest to read your writing soon!

Friday, September 14, 2012

The Anti-Defamation League recognized Kinkaid as a No Place for Hate school for 2011-2012. Please describe what a No Place for Hate School is and how you will help us achieve this status again this year.

Monday, September 10, 2012

Aliens on Vacation

       In our class read aloud, Aliens on Vacation, the main character Scrub faces many challenges. He is away from his family and friends, new in town, missing out on his basketball camp and trusted with protecting an important secret. What personal connections do you have with Scrub? Tell about a time when you felt lonely, frustrated or responsible for something important like Scrub.