Wednesday, November 9, 2016

Books Between Kids!

Today, we had the opportunity to visit the Books Between Kids warehouse to organize and sort books that will go to children who do not have books in their homes.  Please take time to reflect and write about your experience this morning. What did you like best about this field trip? Do you think your time there was well-spent? Would you want to participate in something like this again?


  1. I really liked sorting the books and dumping the uncategorized books into the giant crate. I think this time was well spent because you were helping children who could not afford books. I hope you all like the rest of your day! Byeeee!

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  4. I thought this feild trip was so cool! I think that it is so nice that we get to help with these organizations! My favorite part was sorting the books [ of course! ] But I also got to help with taking more books to have people sort. I love to organize and sort things so this was a really fun field trip for me. I kind of wish that we got to sort all of the books into different categories because it would have been a lot faster. I really liked their logo! it was so smart that they made it into an owl but also two children holding books! And yes, I do think my time was well spent and yes I do want to do something like this again!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  5. That field trip was fun.because we got to help people. I think that it would be good too do it again. because it helps you see hopeful. and it helps a lot of people and lots of different ways I would be happy to see books come in when I did not have any books. It's good the books cousin it lets your mind go crazy in the book! I bet it would be hard working there we've kind of got a little bit tired after that and think about doing it for the whole day. I'm glad we met mr. Hale he was super nice. I think he is a leader.

  6. My favorite part of the field trip was dumping all of the books into the bin. It is so special that kids that can't have books. It makes you feel good that you can help. Someone accidentally hit my head but I was ok because I was having so much fun!

    HaVe A nIcE dAy!


  7. I loved going to Books Between Kids! I remember looking through some books and thinking WOW some of these books are really nice. My favorite part was dumping all those books in that giant box. I feel sooo sad for kids who don't have books. At first I thought their logo was an owl but then I figured out that the logo was two kids holding up books.

  8. I loved being able to go on this field trip. I think it's really awesome that we get to help people who don't cannot afford books and who don't have books like we do. I liked when I got to get in one of the big giant bins and put books in the Little basket crate things. What I liked best about it was that just thinking about how much these kids will love and be grateful for the books that we they got and it was really cool to sort the books. I definitely think we should do a field trip like this again because it's awesome to think about not a lot of people get to do have this opportunity to do things like this. I have a connection my grandmother she goes around and helps people like teens have counseling and who are not as fortunate as us and so I had to I feel like that's kind a like what we do we did on the field trip. I think it was wonderful and amazing and we should totally do it again. Helps people like teens have counseling and who are not as fortunate as us and so I had to I feel like that's kind a like what we do we did on the field trip. I think it was wonderful and amazing and we should totally do it again!! Bye everyone have a good evening

  9. One I loved it sorting books was funner then I expected. Two the obvious answer sorting. Three Yes I would love to do something like this again it would be great. p.s I know funner is not a word YET!!! P.S.S This has nothing do to with books between kids but #why did trump win the election why

  10. I thought books between kids was so cool they had a ton of books if I was one of those kids I would be very thankful that this company existed. It was cool that we got to sort all these books. We sorted them by category after that we put them in this huge box!

  11. I think books between kids is a wonderful organization. It was very fun getting to help out and sort books for their own book fair. Now we can see how hard the kinkaid volunteers worked to helped us. Just being at books between kids gave me a warm feeling in my heart because we were helping a lot of the kids in Houston. It was a great field trip. As always.

  12. I really liked the feild trip but my favorite part was when we sorted and dumped the books. I also thought their logo was cool. Because it was two kids holding up books but it looked just like an owl. I also want to thank the people who donated books to the warehouse. I can't do that because I'm such a hoarder🙄

  13. The field trip to books between kids was fun. I was amazed at how many people donate to them.I think our time was well spent because we used it to help kids with out books. I wonder how they sort books with out us because I only saw 2 employees.

  14. I thought the field trip was cool and I felt good when i did it. But my favorite part was when i got to climb into the giant book bin and put the books in the box. Well the part were we all sorted books. and i thought it was interesting how their logo is an owl and children holding up books. I think it was a well spent field trip and i would probably do it again.

  15. I loved the field field trip books between kids. The company is so thoughtful to give books to children that don't have any. It was very fun to help organize the books! When I was organizing I felt so kind because I was donating my time to sort tons of books for kids that did not have any. The company has a very creative logo too. I would love to go again!

  16. Of course I would love to go again to books between Kids. It was a really fun field trip. I think we made a lot of kids happy by sorting those books for them to now by. I think it would be fun to go volunteer or do some more work at at books between kids and other organizations. I think the man they're really cared about the little kids and really wanted them to feel what it's like to enjoy a really good book. And I and I think that it will be fun for third-graders when they go as fourth-graders.


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