Wednesday, March 23, 2016

The Power of Words

On Monday, Mrs. Babine spoke to third and fourth grades about the power of words. We discussed our core values and how we have a responsibility to use our words respectfully and with kindness. Please share an example of how words have power. Have you ever been lifted up by someone's words? Have you lifted another person up with your words? Maybe you can share a way to use your words for good. 


  1. Words have power because they can affect and change people's feeling. I haven't been lifted up with words yet. But I have lifted up someone else who as feeling down. I would think positive instead of negativity.

  2. My New Year's Resolution for 2016 was to say a something kind to someone every day. Every time I say something kind, the person instantly lights up and feels good. This resolution has been going well and when the person feels happy I feel happy, too.


    1. I agree on the polls!!!

    2. What do you mean by polls?

    3. what do you mean by

  3. One time I was playing a game and someone was being really hard on theirself. To cheer them up, I told them not to be hard on themself, And that they were a good friend to everyone and even someone was being mean to them, they were probably in a bad mood.

    Hope y'all have a good day!!

    •Ginny aka BulldogLover06 aka mindcraftlover6•

  4. I think that the power of words is like having a balloon if you let it go
    you cant take it back. The reason why i like this example is because if
    you say a word you cant take it back.

  5. Once when I fell off a horse my councelor said "That was the most beautiful fall I have ever seen!" I wasn't hurt though. When you say a word you can't take it back.

  6. I think that toothpaste is like words, you can't put it pack in the bottle. Today John K said no offense but you are good at baseball but I'm better. he probably wanted to take it back but words are like toothpaste, you cant take them back. This is Niko, goodnight!

  7. I think of words like glue it's like if you stick something on paper it hard to get it back. I've been lifted up. I was watching a TV show and it was about kids who didn't have parents and some of them didn't some of them didn't. There was a guy who is speaking and he was talking about words. In if you say something to someone else that is rude or kind sometimes it can lift them up or you can go down. And I got inspired by him. He lifted me up to say not be rude and say kind things.😄

  8. Words have power because they can a have a strong lasting affect that sometimes last forever. They can also change people in good ways and bad. It can also have a strong impact. I haven't been lifted up with words yet. But I have lifted up someone else who was feeling down about something. I would think positive is better then negative. Words are like toothpaste. If you take it out you can't put it back. words are power in these ways and other ways.

  9. Words have power because they can make someone day or make them happy. I have lifted someone by inviting them to a baseball game! I have seen someone ben destroyed before to. I think words are like a mistake in a base ball game or tennis if you make a bad shot you cant take it back.

  10. Words can lift you up and break you down. Words have power because for instance like lets say you are in a baseball game and you loose and someone on the other team says to you "You were terrible!" That would break you down. Lets say that person said "You were great out there!" That would lift you up. You always have to think about what you are saying because if you say the wrong thing you could do anything like break a friendship. And if you say the right word you could start a new friendship. One way to lift someone up like if they were having a bad day you could say something funny or silly that you did. It could make that persons day a lot better. Another way to lift someone up is like if there was a new kid at your school and they were sitting next to nobody you could offer them a seat and that would make that persons first day a lot better. One way that you could accedentially said the wrong thing to them they may never want to talk to you again like lets say you said 'I don't like blah blah blah!"That person could actually like that person and they did not want to be friends with you ever again. Words can change what a person thinks of you. Hope everybody has a great day!

  11. Words are stronger then you think. Words can lift you up and break you down. Once in a soft ball game a girl from the loosing team came up to me and said that I was the worst soft ball player in the world and I am the best player ever! But words can also lift you up like one time at basket ball game we lost the game and a girl from the winning team came up to me and said that I did I good job and it is not your fault that your team lost.You can lift someone up by saying your drawing is good when they think it is bad, if someone is having a bad day you can cheer them up by telling them a joke, if someone is sitting by them self and has no one to play with you can say do you want to play with me. Hope everyone has a great day!

  12. I think words can change someones future.Because if someone is being rude and mean a brave person can say "don't do that that is not very nice."Or someone is being well behaved a mean kid can say "stop doing your not very cool." So the kid try's to be cool by getting in trouble and not listening to the teacher. Theres two different types of words so theres one good one and one bad one so use the good one.

  13. Words can be very strong to someone it depends on what they feel. One time on my sister's birthday, my mom and I made breakfast for her. My expectations are low because, I think she might not like what we made for her. But the reality was really high because she actually liked it! She said thank you and when people say thank you that make YOU feel good. There once was a girl on a basketball team #51, who kept pinching me and the referees didn't call. Another time we played my friend's team #10 and she was so rude! When she was blocking me out she fouled me so much!��

  14. Words can have a feeling to different people. Say like if i told my friend she didn't look good in something, she would understand because i am her close friend. If you said you don't look good in something she might take that affenceive. Once I was in a soccer game, Our team was winning 2-1, so i girl on the other team got mad she kicked all of us hard in the leg. You shouldn't fight back even if you think what they did was wrong. Words can also lift you up. Like when I was working on hitting the ball with my head I couldn't make it into the goal, I thought I was really bad at it until a teammate of mine came up to me and said I was really good at it.You can make someone happy today! If they lost in their game you should say "you did great!'' It always makes me happy when people are kind to me. BE A GOOD PERSON TODAY!!!!!!!


  15. The power of words are stronger then anything. One little word can make someones day they can encourage somebody to do something and they can hurt somebody thats why you have to be careful of how you use them. Here are some of the examples of what how people have lifted me up. So at a baseball I struck out and my friend Bennet van brunt said it's okay you'll get um next time and you want to Know what happend the next time I was batting I hit i't to centerfield and got a double and i't made me feel very very happy. Also when I was pitching I struck out five batters in a row for my first time and my brother said your the best pitcher ever so you Know what after my brother hit his first home run of the sesson I said your the best hitter ever.

  16. Words have power they can be helpful & hurtful. Words can break you down or cheer you up. When you are down 😔 nice words can cheer you up. You can get in a argument and someone said something mean. Remember words have power.

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. When I was sad we had lost our baseball game dad got me bubble gum


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