Wednesday, January 20, 2016

Realistic Fiction - Problem Share

Writers, we have all been working on plotting out our stories on story mountains. As we know, the event at the top of the mountain is when the problem is at its worst or most challenging point. Please share your mountain tops with us! What is the most intense part of your story...the problem at its worst!


  1. My problem at its worst is when the owner of Microsoft spends too much money on a Minecraft project and lays people off.

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  4. My problem is that J.J watt is on offence but the coach sends him to defence but he wants to be on offence and people tease him

  5. My problem was we were driving by a volcano and it erupted at the same time! So we tried to drive of but the car broke down to! So then we decided to run with all of are luggage. We ran and ran and ran until we reached the hotel and ha great vacation! BUT we had to buy a new car because the other one broke down!!!

  6. The top of my mountain is... When Harris,Nicholas,George and Philip time travel to the time of Ancient Egypt and nock over the Pyramids and get arrested. And have to figure away how to get out of the dungeon and back to the time traveling machine. Read the book to find out more

  7. The top of mount everest for mine is when Brooklyn and Christopher find out after so many games that they have played it suddenly does not word! read to find out what happens.


  8. The top of my mountain is when Alexis my main character decides not to play softball anymore because she twisted her ankle and she's afraid she's not good anymore or something else may happen like breaking a leg. Alexis got her ankle twisted by sliding to 3rd base to hard! It just keeps getting worse when the doctor said no more softball for 2 months!

  9. The top of my story mountain is when Ella is getting bullied. When Annie sticks up for her SHE gets bullied. I don't want to give away the rest!

  10. My problem is in Schlitterbahn. Cate and Nick go on a few slides. Then Nick wants to go on a slide that's a little bigger than they rode before. Cate says "No." and Nick try's to convince Cate to go on the Wolf Pack ( slide that their going on ).

  11. The top of my story mountain is when Clare and Caroline wake up and ALL of the Christmas stuff was gone. Then they follow tiny bits of rapping paper to there mom and dads room and... the find all of the stuff there mom and dad played a joke on then.

  12. The top of the mountain is when...Gracie and Kristi sneak into the chow hall and take ice cream from the freezer. They do not get caught. Then the next day they can't find some of the ice cream. The next evening they make an announcement. They say "did anyone take the ice cream" and Grace and Kristi say "no". The next day they find out that they stole the ice cream and other stuff happens, but I do not want to spoil it. Have a nice day and see you tomorrow.

  13. The top of my mountain is that Jane is an artist and gymnast and she is at gymnastics practice and she breaks her arm right after she is entered in a art contest and she has to learn how to paint with her left hand

  14. The top of my story mountain is when my tadpole grew into a frog and the it got lost. We searched everywhere! The next day, we searched for an hour again. But, right before we give up he hopped from behind the fish tank!

  15. The top of my story mountain is When The Whole Paintball Team gets captured! Niko and his friends are the only ones left! That is it for now bye!

  16. At the top of my mountain I have, Alice and Sandy start pulling pranks on a new girl and it gets out of hand and they get caught.

  17. At the top of my story mountain is when Brooklyn and Grace see a fin (SHARK FIN). Then Grace starts screaming for help...


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