Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Fill me in!

Dear Third Graders,
I miss you all! I am so glad I got to come see The Legend of 10 Suns. You all were incredible! I know you've been working hard at school. What is your favorite project right now? You can tell me about something you are working on in our class (like the Native American Study, fiction writing) or something in music, art, science or even PE! I want to know what you are excited about and why! I look forward to reading your posts!
Mrs. Kottler


  1. In writing workshop I am writing The Robber. I really like the Native American study. My favorite things at school are writing workshop, music,global and we started to do something called freedraw and we get to draw every couple of weeks and put the drawings on the wall.

    1. I really want to read your book called Th Robber

    2. I'm looking forward to reading your book and seeing your research, Jerry!

    3. I think your book sounds like it has a lot of action very good job.

  2. I really like Native Americans it is so much fun!!! And I have gotten alot of facts. I also like writing workshop I am writing about a shark attack but you don't know who gets attacked by the shark. I really interested in P.E,art because it is AWESOME and fun.

    1. I'm glad you're having fun with the research Mallory! I cannot wait to read your facts and see your project!

  3. I'm having a great time doing native americans. Mrs.kuhn is great!! I also love doing writers work shop i'm half way done with my book! I also loved working on our Chinese opera. I hope you are having fun with Aliya.

    1. Hi Brooke,
      I'm glad Writer's Workshop is going well! Aliya and I are having fun. She is four weeks old today!

  4. I am in the middle of my fiction story.It is called Big News I can not tell you much because I want my story to be secret.
    In Native Americans I learned so much one interesting fact is that the Hopi had a dance called The Sacred Dance.

    1. Connor, I am eager to read your story! I love the title.

  5. I'm studying the Cherokee Native American tribe it's very fun did you no that they are known for their art carvings. Also fee draw is very fun because we can draw anything
    we want to. My realistic fiction story is going to be called 'The Stall Of Doom!!!!'
    I'm not going to give away the story but also we have a big science test coming up
    next week I have to study!!

    1. I know you will do well on the science test! I love your fiction story title, Henry. I look forward to reading it soon!

  6. I'm having fun with Mrs.Kuhn.I do not know what my realistic fiction book should be called.HELP! I need ideas!!!I look forewards to see you when you come back!I miss you and I hope that you can come back!

    1. Hi Vivian,
      I know you will think of a great title. Sometimes, authors choose a meaningful line from their story. I look forward to reading your book soon!

  7. In art we are making Ginger bread houses- not the kind with candy- the Victorian houses. We just finished painting them. Next time we will cut them out. How is Aliya?

    1. Cool! I will look at Mrs. Taylor's blog to see the houses. Aliya is doing well. She is growing a lot!

  8. I love doing Native Americans it is so much fun learning about there culture .In art we are doing ginger bread houses/not the kind you eat . It is so much fun I miss you!

  9. In science on Monday I have a test and I need to study. In art we are making ginger bread houses but not the kind we eat. In music we have to learn new songs for singing and sharing. I hope you can come back soon because we all miss you.

    1. I know you will do well on the science test. The gingerbread houses sound beautiful!

  10. I am having so much fun with Mrs.Kuhn! She is so sweet and kind and grateful and she represents the four core values. Mrs.Kuhn makes math so much fun but not as much fun as you make it! I miss you and can't wait until you return. I am going to New York tomorrow! I hope you have a great weekend!

    P.S. How is Aliya?

    1. Mrs. Kuhn is awesome! I agree!
      Have a great trip to New York!
      Aliya is doing very well. Growing each day!

  11. I am having a lot of fun studying my Native American tribe. I have finished a lot of my note cards. I also am having a great time at school. I cannot wait for you to return.

    1. Hi Ravi. I am looking forward to being back at school too. I'm glad your research is going well!

  12. Hi Mrs. Kottler! my favorite subject is art. Right now we are drawing those old Victorian gingerbread houses Mrs. Kuhn is great! Has Aliya grown any teeth yet

  13. Right now, my favorite project in school is in art class. Specifically, we're drawing Victorian houses. I'm nervous about our science test on Monday, but I'm excited about the holidays and for your return. I'm studying hard!


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