Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Pioneer Personalities

Westward Ho!
Today we chose our pioneer names. Introduce yourself to the wagon train. Tell your name, age, gender and your role in the family. Use your knowledge from our research and Joshua's Journal to tell about your responsibilities on the trail.


  1. Hi!!! my name is Susan rockwell I'm 11 and a half I'm a girl I have a twin sister [ Katherine ] and 3 little brothers!!!on the trail I help
    1. get water
    2. pack and unpack
    3. help get food
    4. wash clothes

  2. Hi wagon train I'm Niles Blackman I am 14 I am a boy I have a little sister named Jamie.

    My chores are:

    *Fetch water
    * watch out for smaller children
    * gather firewood
    * Fish or hunt small game
    * help pack and unpack

  3. Hello iam Jasper Underwood i am 12 and i am a boy and i have two friends named susie and beatrice.I help my mom with chores,I fetch water,help with laundry,milk the cow,gather firewood,help cook,help unpack and pack for trips.and most true fact i am carrie underwood's great great great great great great great great great grandfather.

  4. My pioneer name is Clark, Clark Fisher, and I am 12 years old. I have 1 younger brother named Bobby Fisher and 3 friends named Chloe, Joshua, and David, D.j for short. I have to help my ma wash the dishes and help my dad who is a blacksmith.

  5. Hello! My name is Hazel Montgomery. I am 9 years old. I have 2 older sisters and 2 younger sisters. Felicity, Charlotte, Georgiana and Eleanor. I am also a girl myself. I pretty much always end up doing the work. Worst of all, I'm always the one going with Pa to get the buffalo chips. Do you know how gross that makes me feel? The only other things I do are,
    *Milk the cow
    *Fetch water
    *Watch out for my little sisters
    *Help pack and unpack supplies
    *Help cook
    *help with laundry
    that's all but at least I don't have to go herd the animals like Pa!


  6. Hi my name is Russell Watson I am 16 years old. Some of my jobs are
    *Help herd the animals
    *Fetch water
    *Hunt for game
    *Collect buffalo chips
    *Direct the oxen
    *take care of my little brother and sister
    My dad dies and so i am considerd the dad now.

  7. Hi my name is Leo Brown, I'm 10 years old. I go hunting and fishing for food for the wagon train. I'm a only child.

  8. Hi i'm Emmet Fitzpatrick i'm 15 and a only child and a boy. I hunt,fish,herd the animals, help cook and collect collect buffalo chips.

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  10. February twenty-sixth two-thousand-fourteen,

    Hi friends, my pioneer name is Elyse Brown. I am a girl. I am 7 years old and the middle child in my family. I have a younger brother and an older sister. My brothers name is Eliot he is 5 and my older sister's name is Annabelle and she is 9. In my family I have a total of 7 people counting my Ma, Pa and my 2 grandparents. Some of the responsibilities are, milk the cow, help with laundry, collect buffalo chips and watch out for my little brother. Sometimes I think of the trip as something good but other times I wonder why exactly are we going. In my story we had to leave behind, Jo Jo (my dog),nanny, grandpa and much more. I has bin quiet a journey so far. Sometimes I get really nervous about the Indians and the rough times along the trail that I have bin hearing about. Sometimes I want to go help with water but Ma tells me she does not want me to sink and die.


  11. Hi! I'm Clara Wilson! I'm nine years old. I have a younger brother, Adam and an adorable dog (Pa refers as a hunting dog) named Bandit. My Ma and Pa are average, I guess. I'm a girl so, I spend most of my time with Ma but, it's not that bad because I have my friends: Hazel Montgomery, Clara (like me) Archer, Lila Foster, and Stella Rockwell. I get my breaks from working. Here are my responsibilities:
    Take care of Adam,
    Mend clothes,
    Help cook,
    Gather eggs,
    Gather cows,
    Milk the Cows,
    Gather buffalo chips (not my favorite),
    Help with the laundry,
    And Fetch water.
    I hope we will all make the trip but sometimes I wonder, Why are we even going? Ma and Pa told me something about Manifest Destiny, whatever that means. I'm so glad that Grandpa decided to come with us. Grandma died two years ago. We shouldn't talk about her anymore. I'm scared but exited at the same time!

    1. I can't believe I forgot about Susan (Harper)! She's Stella (Katherine)'s twin. Sorry!

    2. I'm so excited to be in your wagon train!

    3. I can't wait to start journaling! I am sure it will be super fun!!!

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  14. My pioneer name is Beatrice Scott. I am a girl. I'm 12 years. My jobs are to fetch water, gather fire wood or buffalo chips, help pack and unpack, help cook, and I help with the laundry. I have a dog named Ben and a cat named whiskers but I don't pay much attention to whiskers. I have two best friends. They and their families are coming to oregon with us! their names are Susan and Jasper. sometimes the thought of going to Oregon scares me but other times I am so exited to get to oregon I can't even sleep. But however I feel I know pa and ma are doing it to to have a better life.

  15. Howdy y'all. My name is Percival McMartin. I am an only child! Call me Percy! I am 13 years old. I have a little brown dog named buster. I can't wait to go on the trail. Almost all my friends are going with me like Emmet Fitzpatrick, Leo Brown and Russell Watson. Some of my jobs on the trail are (Madam Kottler made us write this!) Milk the cow, collect buffalo chips (Blech), collect water, and my favorite... hunt! I am worried about one thing. I have a crush on Brooke Applewhite and she is in the same wagon train as us! I'm keeping a journal for the trail to write down my feelings. I wonder what these weird things are that I am pressing? I think they are called keys. I don't know. Well that wraps up our chat. Bye!

  16. Hi Good friends. My name is Leo Johnson. I am 16 I do a lot of hunting.I am a boy.I have two brothers and 1 Sister. Jimmy my dog is very big and fluffy. When I go hunting I get meat for my family. I also help my dad with the fire. I like making them nice and high.In the morning I get up first and make sure there is no indians in the woods. I also help skin the animals to make clothes. I use my big pocket knife.


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  18. Hi I'm Lila Foster. I am 9 years old turning 10 on the Trail. I am the oldest of 3
    - Robbie [ 2 years old ]
    - Katie [ 4 years old ]
    - Ellen [ 6 years old ]
    My Ma said I could bring one thing, I chose Spot my dog. My dad is next in line for captain of the Wagon Train. Pa said it is a lot of work out there on the trail. I already know most of my chores
    - I milk the cows
    - Gather the firewood
    - Help Cook
    - Help with the laundry
    - Take care of the little kids
    I am very sad about leaving my home and friends, but I have my Grandma and Grandpa, Cousins, Clara Wilson, Clara Archer and Stella Rockwell coming with me. Ma and Pa says there is free land out west. I'm excited to go west.

    1. Hazel Montgomery is in the same Wagon Train as me!

  19. Hi! my name is Stella Rockwell. (As you might have noticed I'm a girl.) I have a twin sister Harper/Susan. We are both 11 and a half. Our wagon train is pretty small but large enough to protect us all. There are somewhere from 12 to 22 wagons in our train. Some of my neighborly friend are the Archers, Wilsons, and the Fosters. Every day on the trail I do chores. Ugh. I'd much rather play with my friends than fetch water from nearby streams and gather firewood or the terribly stinky buffalo chips.Night after night I help pack and unpack supplies. Sometimes pa sends me to go herd extra livestock because everyone is running out of breath trying to catch them. That is something exciting to do! Ma disapproves of me getting the cattle but grins when I come to the wagon with cattle. I sometimes wish I could hunt. It seems soooo exciting. I can't wait till our wagon train reaches Oregon!!!

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    2. I also have 3 younger brothers!!! Hazel Montgomery's family is also in my wagon train!

  20. Hi I'm Braxton Blackman I'm 11 yrs. old, I'm a boy and I have 1 older brother named Niles [14 years old] a.k.a Alexander I also help
    Fetching wood,
    Hunting small game ,
    Herding the extra livestock &
    Direct the oxen


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  22. - Name Clara Acher
    - Age 11
    - Girl
    - Brothers 1
    - Sisters 1
    - My Jobs fetch water, help pack and unpack, heard extra livestock and help cook/wash dishes.

  23. My name is Dexter Ross.
    -I am 15 years old.
    -I have no brothers or sisters.
    -I have 2 parents.
    -My chores are getting water. Hunting and taking care of the animals. Waking everyone up in the morning.



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