Wednesday, November 30, 2016


Our class read aloud is The Tale of Desperaux by Kate DiCamillo. We have been working to read intensely: make movies in our mind as we read, feel empathy for characters, think and react. What are your thoughts about the book and the characters we have met so far? Please share a few sentences about your thinking (learning, wonders, connections, wows etc). 
**If you have read the book or have seen the movie, please don't spoil what is to come, just focus on what we've read so far. 

Tuesday, November 15, 2016

Giving Thanks

Thanksgiving is just a week away. Many of us will spend time with family and friends. This holiday gives us a chance to think of what we are grateful for. 
Please share some of the people, experiences or things that fill your heart with thanksgiving! Don't forget to elaborate on WHY these people, experiences or things make you feel grateful. Write at least 4 sentences please. 

Wednesday, November 9, 2016

Books Between Kids!

Today, we had the opportunity to visit the Books Between Kids warehouse to organize and sort books that will go to children who do not have books in their homes.  Please take time to reflect and write about your experience this morning. What did you like best about this field trip? Do you think your time there was well-spent? Would you want to participate in something like this again?

Wednesday, November 2, 2016

Leaders All Around

We have talked often about your role as a 4th grade leader and what character traits leaders possess. In our latest reading unit, Leaders: Real and Imagined we are learning about unlikely leaders and ways they use a situation to lead by example and rise above conflict. Today, we discovered how Ruby Bridges, at age 6, became a leader.

Who do you look up to as a leader? Why do you think this person is a leader? What leadership traits does he/she display? View our Characteristics of a Leader chart to help you think about this.

Remember, there are unlikely leaders all around us...even YOU!