Wednesday, December 16, 2015

Holiday Fun!

It is the most wonderful time of the year! Please share with us what you are looking forward to over the holidays. Do you have any special plans for Christmas? How was your Hanukkah this year? Let's share about holiday traditions and fun!


  1. This year I am staying at home. I had a great Hanukkah filled with family and fun! I am looking forward to my birthday! I will miss all of my friends. See you after the break.

    1. Over the break I am relaxing. Over the Hanukkah days I only went over to another house one my grandma`s house so I stayed at my house for 7 nights. I will miss all of you o er the break.

  2. I'm looking forward to going to South Carolina this year. BUT.... I am staying in Houston this year for Christmas for the first time in my LIFE! Usually our tradition is we go somewhere different every year!

    P.S. For some people, (Ginny, Griffin, Katie Reese) The city in South Carolina is called KIOWA!

  3. I am looking forward to Christmas and lots of Technology. We celebrate Christmas. Also my Birthday just passed.

    Hope Everyone is having a Good Day,


  4. I am looking forward to going to my granparents house for dinner. I am not sure who is going to be there. I usually help bake dinner and dessert. We are not going to travel far. Their house is next door! Its pretty neat. We get to open one present on Christmas eve and all the other ones on Christmas day. I hope you are having a good day. Bye!

  5. I am really looking forward to watching the collage football bowl games. My family and my grandparents are going to Big Bend. My grandparents are coming to h–town from Vancouver on Saturday. And we are not going to camp out. We are staying in numerous hotels. We are also staying in a ghost town for one of are hotels

  6. This year I am looking forward to being with my family and relaxing. On the 24 I am going to go to church and I am going out to eat with my grandparents and then I will go to seep. On the 25 I am going to wake up and unwrap my presents and then am going to my grandparents house to get more presents . And then at lunch time awe are going to have a special lunch with my grandparents and then at the end of the day I am going to church. Hope everyone has a good day!

  7. I am going to spend Christmas with my loved ones such as my Mom, Dad, Grandmother, Grandfather, Aunt, Uncle, and Cousins. on Christmas eve and day, I will spend some time with my Grandparents.

    Merry Christmas!


  8. This year I am going to Hawaii!I'm not sure what part of Hawaii though. I think I'm going to a pineapple place that my sister went to, to get a puppet for some reason. I don't know what I'm going to do, but what I do know is that I'm definitely I'm going in the ocean! Anyways have a wonderful Christmas!

  9. I am going out of town with 9 of my cousins. I will have a hole lot of fun! I am really looking forward to seeing my cousins . We love to just sit around looking at the sun set and I hope this will be the best trip ever.
    For Chanukah, I opened one present each night. For the last night I got a Hercules Helicopter! I ate latkes the first night of Chanukah with my grandparents at their house. We played dreidel with real money. I won five dollars!

  10. On Christmas Eve, I get all dressed up and go to Church. Then me and all of my cousins go to my grandparents house. We eat some much! We stay over there from about 10:30 am - 12:00 am. On Christmas we all wake up early and get my parents and open presents. We usally get 9 presents each. Later at about 12:00 pm we go over to my grandparents house again and open the presents that they gave me. We always have Mashed potatoes and steak. Christmas is my favorite holiday!

    - Libs

  11. I am so exited for christmas break. On christmas eve we will go to church and then we will go to are grandparents house and have a big party our cousins will come and our friends and grandparents friends will come. I'm looking forward to being with my family plus looking at the lights.

  12. I am looking forward to seeing my aunt! She has two baby girls! they are my cousins! I also get to see my other cousins! We go to see my cousins from my moms side or dads side every year. anyways bye!

  13. For this christmas i hang stocking and stuff.I am staying here i love my moms apple pie.I am going to get santa this year. It is going to so so so much fun .

  14. For christmas brake i think i am going to austin. I am going to lots of party's and on Friday i my mom is hosting a party. For christmas day i am staying home. I am looking forward to christmas day it will be very fun. My elf is crazy. have a nice day.

  15. For christmas brake i think i am going to austin. I am going to lots of party's and on Friday i my mom is hosting a party. For christmas day i am staying home. I am looking forward to christmas day it will be very fun. My elf is crazy. have a nice day.

  16. This Christmas I am going to Dallas! We are going to be there for a week I think. And we are going to the spinning restaurant in a very tall building! This is a my first time to go to Dallas! Wen we get back home I am going to have a big party.

  17. I'm looking forward to Christmas morning to see Santa Clause's note to Dylan, Chanee, and me. I also want to see if he ate the cookies and gave the carrots to his reindeers. I just hope that my dog buck doesn't eat the cookies and carrots and the drinks the milk. My Grandma and grandpa are coming in town today from California. Usually after my grandparents go back to California my family goes to Barton Creek in Austin. A tradition is on Christmas we open presents at my house, aunt's house, and uncle's house and we have dinner there.

  18. Every year I stay home for Christmas. On Christmas day I'll go to my grandmother's house to open presents. There I will also spend time with family.


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