Monday, September 28, 2015

Tell Me All About It!

Dear Girls and Boys,
I know you've been working hard at school. What is your favorite project right now? You can tell me about something you are working on in our class (like what you are working on in writing workshop, reading workshop, or math groups) or something in music, art, science or even PE! I want to know what you are excited about and why! Please add details. I look forward to reading your posts! 
Mrs. Kottler


  1. In writing workshop I'm working on my personal narrative I'm working on Illustrating and writing. In P.E. we are working on cooperation. So there are teams and you try to work as a team to get to the other side the game is called travel. Today we did Speed Ball there are teams of nine and your trying to pull the other teams flag to win but you have to work as a team.

    1. What is your personal narrative about, Abby?

  2. Personally, my favorite subject is writing because I can express my creativity. I love writing books (I'm writing one that can hopefully be published) and reading is a close second with P.E. as third, where we are working on cooperation.

    1. What are you working on in writing? What is your personal narrative about?

  3. In S.S.R I am reading Geronimo Stilton Saves the Spinx. And my favorite subject is S.S.R. Hope you have a good day! :D

    1. I'm glad you are still enjoying Geronimo Stilton, Griffin!

  4. i love to read in s.s.r im reading Hercules it is a great book even though it doesn't have much pictures in it. im also into Spanish because we are singing el sapo sapo means frog in English so the name is the frog.

  5. In writers workshop I am working on writing my personal narrative. In S.S.R I am reading the bell bandit in the lemonade war series. My favorite project right now is my personal narrative .My favorite subject is writing. In music I we are learning about the opera for the grandparents day show. I hope everyone has a good day!

    1. Chloe, what is your personal narrative about?

  6. I personally like PE the most because today we played SpeedBall.
    it is another game where there are two teams against each other and you get in jail and the only way to get out is for someone else to score a goal.

  7. In s.s.r i am reading smile it is such a grate book ! In writers workshop i am writing taylor swift. In spanish we are singing el sapo . i love school!!!

  8. In ssr I am reading the night Gardner it is supposed to be a scary story.
    In PE I am really exited to play flag football we are starting a football unit. In science I'm exited to dicecect a brain it will be so cool I love school!

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  9. I am enjoying Music. Working on the opera is fun! I hope to be one of the three children. I can hardly wait to know who I am.

  10. I am enjoying S.S.R., music, and P.E. currently. In S.S.R., I am reading "The World Acorrding to Humphery." In P.E., I'm playing speed ball. You are supposed to pull every body's flag. In music, I'm practicing the opera. I hope I'm one of the three children being selected! Bye! I'm looking forward to blogging more!

  11. I am liking the unit in science. We are studying the brain. It feels like cooked oatmeal. It is very fascinating how the brain works.

  12. I like S.S.R. I just finished Percy Jackson and the Lightning Thief. It is a graphic novel and great book. In Writer's Workshop, I am working on a story about going to Disneyland. I am almost finished with my last copy. Goodnight everybody!

  13. I like S.S.R, music, and spanish. I have been reading Bing Bang Boing. It's a book of poems, and in music we're doing a opera callled The Legend of the Many Suns I'm really enjoying it! See you guys at school!

  14. I like ssr in ssr I am reading Percy Jackson sea of monsters. It is a great book.It is the real version of the book. Right now I am making a book in a series called food wars. This is the second book in the series this one is called pizza Steve vs the evil green p.e. we are working on team cooperation next week we will be doing football.

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  16. I like Art, Music, PE, and Science. In Art we just made cute little animals like turtles and cats. In Music we are working on the Legend of Many Suns, I hope to be one of the 3 children. In PE we are playing Battleship and Speed Ball, I like to run around too. And in Science we are studying THE BRAIN we have to make a model of a skull. It is COOL. I hope everybody is having a good day!!!

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    2. I also like Computer. We are working on making our own GOOGLE SLIDES it is fun. You can share your work with other people. I am making one about CUPCAKES. well I am going to sleep. BYE!!

  17. I also like S.S.R I am reading about Milton Hershey the inventor of HERSHEYS CHOCALATE. It makes me hungry every time I read it!!
    bye!! :)

  18. I am making a comic book called The Time I Met a Witch. It is fiction comic. It is about two characters named Mia and Joe. They meet a Witch and become friends! I am almost done with this comic book. You may want to read it!!

  19. In S.S.R im reading a comic called smile. Its a great book in the is about a girl that gets her permanent teeth nocked out and she goes through a long prosses. Im looking forward to lots of things. P.Eis fun we are working on cooperation. in writers work shop im working on a personal narrative. Have a wonderful evening and afternoon!!


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