Tuesday, September 8, 2015

Read Aloud Reflection


Hi boys and girls! I cannot wait to hear your thoughts about
our class read aloud, How to Steal a Dog, by Barbara O'Connor.
Mrs. Dewhurst tells me that you just read the part where Georgina makes her "how to steal a dog" plan come true. She steals Willy and leaves him on the old porch!
Georgina's family is in a tough situation. She is trying to help. What do you think about her decision to steal a dog in order to help her family? Is she right, wrong or both? Please write a few sentences about your thinking. Georgina chooses not to tell her friends or teachers about her situation. Who would you talk to if you had a tough decision to make?


  1. As you know I already read the book but, before I thought that she was doing right and wrong. She was right because this was the only way to help her family. But it is wrong to steal a dog. Have you stolen a dog before??

    1. Also I would talk to my teacher and classmates. My teacher would probaly help me solve the problem.

  2. Personally, I wouldn't talk to ANYONE in this scenario. I also think that trying to get money for her family may be right, but stealing a dog is not the right thing to do.

  3. I think she is both wrong and right. she is wrong because she could just look for a dog reward sign and try to find that dog .She is right because she could just return the dog right now and get the reward and she would get the money.But what if the owner does not give her money.

    1. I want to say the ending but I CAN'T!

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  4. I think both wrong because it's not good to steal. And it's right to help get money.

  5. I think it's both it's right to help her family to get a real house instead of a car. But it's wrong because it's not right to steal a dog especially when somebody really really loves it. I'm also thinking that sense Georgina is helping her find Willie that she's going to return Willie back home. I would talk to a my parents or a psychologist. But then again the psychologist could tell the lawyer? Reading the book is so fun until you guys stop at juicy and good parts. I can't wait to read more How to Steal a Dog.

  6. I think Georgina is wrong because it just wrong to steal. I would talk to a teacher because I think it would help in this situation IWhat if she doesn't find the reward sign?

  7. I think it's wrong and right.Because she is tough situation.But mostly wrong.I would not steal a dog.I would talk to my mom or my dad.

    1. I go to my mom to make a tough decision.

  8. I wold not talk to anybody about that if i were Georgina! I think that Georgina's mom is going to find out and then take the dog back to the owner but the owner is going to give them money and they are going to by a house and haply ever after!

  9. I think the owner of the house was there and will soon find the dog behind the house, or Willie will bark or the owner will find Willie and take him to the shelter and Georgina will be SAD.

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  11. I wold not talk to anybody. I think the plan will work! And the dad will come back! And live HAPLEY EVER AFTER.


  12. I would talk to my mom if i had a tough situation.

  13. I would not talk to anybody.I think that her disishion to steal a dog is bad. everybody have a good day!!

  14. I think Georgina is wrong & wright to steal Willie! It is bad to steal, but she is helping her family. I would put up a lemonade stand. Would you?

  15. I think Gorgina is right and wrong. She wants to help out her family because they're living in a car and she wants to get a place to live.
    But it's really the wrong thing to do and she knows that. I already read the book and it was really good I was intreaged a lot of times.

  16. I think Georgina is wrong for stealing Willie. Stealing is wrong and getting the reward money for the dog what she stole is also wrong. But I think it's good to try to help her family get a real house so they don't have to live in a car. I think Georgina should try to help by finding a different way to get money.

  17. she is smart but she regret the thing she did when the lady cried. she got sad when the lady said what if something happened!...

  18. she is really wrong. she should find another way to get money. I think when she saw mrs. Witmore crying she changes her mind.


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