Wednesday, December 17, 2014

Winter Break and Holiday Traditions

It's so exciting! Winter break is near! What are your plans? What are you looking forward to most? Are you traveling or staying in Houston? If you celebrate Christmas, what are some of your family's traditions you look forward to every year? If you celebrate Hanukkah, what are some of your traditions?


  1. When I was in elementary school, we always went to Dallas for Christmas to be with my Dad's family. This year, my family will stay in Houston for the winter holiday. My younger brother is coming to visit from Colorado! My family celebrates Hanukkah and Christmas. For Hanukkah, we light the menorah each night and say prayers. We will have dinner with friends. I love to cook and will also host Christmas dinner at my house. I look forward to taking Aliya to see Zoo Lights! I am excited about spending time with family and friends, cooking, reading and staying active over the holiday break.

    1. I remember going to see the Zoo Lights when I was her age!

    2. The zoo lights are so beautiful! I also love the lights people put on there houses!

  2. At christmas my family look for the elf and decorate. We also play board games.

    1. I have an elf too! Hope you feel better!

    2. Feel better soon James!

    3. I have a elf too! hope you feel better.

  3. At christmas we go to the nutcracker and look for the elf. I love to decorate the christmas tree. My dad usually puts lights up in the candy cane tree which is a tree that has red and white lights on and it looks sort of like a candy cane tree.

    1. I love the nutcracker! I hope you feel better soon!

    2. I love it to! Feel better soon!

  4. At Christmas I like running around the house and screaming it's Christmas. I like to cook things with my mom. And make my own chex mix.

  5. I have an elf and he doesn't come on December 1 but he comes as soon as we get our Christmas tree! This year, he came on a pumpkin! We don't go anywhere on Christmas because my big sister likes to open her presents at her house. My family Christmas party is held at my house.

  6. This Christmas where going to stay here and we are going to eat breakfast with my grandparents and I'm going to eat bacon, eggs, crinkle and biscuits. After we eat breakfast we open our presents and have a normal day till dinner. For dinner we are going to go to are moms parents house and eat with my dads parents and my other grandparents. And for dinner we are going to have beef tenter, salad, green beans and other yummy foods. After Christmas day we are going to big bend.

  7. I am staying home this year It is a Christmas miracle! almost every year we go some were last year we went to Costa Rica it was fun but I personally like doing the routine of reading the night before christmas with my family by the fire place eating cookies and getting to bed by
    8:00 and waking up seeing gifts and opening gifts well people say that I am like my Mom because I just tear open gifts!! I also so like getting to decorate the Christmas tree and decorating my house! Ok my Elf on the sheriffs crazy!! He goes every wear in my house!
    Well I will see y'all tomorrow
    I wish every one a Happy Hanukah and
    Merry Christmas!
    Love Love, Kate

    1. Oh ya.... every year my Mom prepares a lexicon dinner and then we go to church!

    2. Sorry I ment to put a M

  8. At Christmas Eve my family always makes french toast casserole and it is so good and to me it tastes like dessert. And my tradition is waking up at twelve o clock in the morning to see if I got a dog. Last year I did not get a dog and I started yelling. But don't worry I am happy now. Every year my family and friend Isabelle go to the nut cracker and we always eat candy. My family always hosts a party at our house at Christmas and I get more presents... YAY!!! p.s (but thats not what Christmas is about!!!)**

    Love chloe the Elf

    santa we need happy cheer

  9. I hope you feel James.

  10. At Christmastime we get two trees because my mom is so picky about trees that I have to pick my own. This year I decorated my tree by myself, my mom did the lights. On the family tree, me and my friend Peyton did the lights by ourselves. Everybody did a little bit of decorations on the tree. On Christmas morning I wake Hannah up really early and we run downstairs with our teddy bears and open presents. Mommy and Daddy walk down really slowly. During Hannukah, we light the menorah, say the prayers, open presents and then let the candles burn down. This year we are only going to celebrate Hannukah six days because my Dad was not here for the first two and it is his holiday.

  11. On Christmas Eve my family comes together to have a party. Later the next day my family comes at 9.00 to open presents. After that we go have brunch at my grandmothers house. Last we go to my other grandmothers house and have dinner.

  12. On Christmas my parents and sister and I unwrap presents. Then, go to my grandma's house to unwrap more presents and eat lunch. On Christmas Eve we go to my other grandma's house for dinner and unwrapping presents. Then, we listen to Christmas music. (Sometimes we dance to the songs). Then, my cousin does her Christmas skit she does every year! But most years things change for the family but one thing that will never change is UNWRAPPING PRESENTS!!! but that"s not what Christmas is about. ;)

    Love, Fiona (Santa's little helper)

    1. I think I am Santas little helper

  13. On Christmas Eve my family goes to my Grandmother's house and eat dinner and go somewhere I forgot where but there is Santa Claus and Mrs. Claus and they invite a singer to sing with them on stage. Then on Christmas Day they come over and we open our presents and have stockings for us and they bring them over and their presents for us we open them and then go to church and then we go eat lunch at River Oaks Country Club. Love Santa's little helper Helena!:)

  14. I start by going to church. Then we have a big dinner on christmas eve. It is a traditon for me to not sleep good on christmas eve. We unrap prents the go to are grandparents house and eat and do the same thing

  15. Every Christmas Eve our family goes to Mortan's Steak House for dinner and in the morning one of our cousins [Jessica or Jacob,] goes down stairs and watches us open presents. Then once the parents wake up, We have waffles or pancakes and for dinner, we have a big feast! And sometimes, before Christmas Eve, every night we play killer.

  16. For christmas I am staying home. And after christmas I am going skiing with my friend. And my elf this morning was I the weirdest spot she was in the bathtub in my room I guess she wanted to take a bath. Have a merry christmas! and happy Hanukkah! and a happy new year! And guess what my dog daisy we put a santa hat on her but she did not want to wear that santa hat.

  17. I look forward to Hanukkah and Christmas because, well, the presents! What else! I also LOVE going to my grandparent's on my mom's side AND my dad's side! 3 words: HOLIDAYS. ARE. AWESOME.

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. That is four words Jack.

    3. No it is 3 words Caroline.


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