Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Wonder Wednesday

Today we started Wonder Wednesday! We learned that there are great web sites for SAFE searches of information. We should not just "google it". What do you wonder about? Did you find something about your wonder on Wonderopolis? Explore Wonderopolis and write about what you found! You can keep your wonders about creepy creatures for Halloween like we did in class or, focus on a new wonder. YOUR CHOICE!


  1. I really wonder what bat milk tastes like. I also wonder why animals can't talk I mean, why not? I also wonder why some animals are smarter than others. Why can't we all know everything? And why words are called words and why we have them and why we are shaped the way we are and why our eyes have color and I wonder why we are here. Why are we here? What is our purpose on earth?

    1. Vary funny malaya!

    2. I bet bat milk is bad.

    3. This comment has been removed by the author.

    4. I wish animals could talk

  2. Malaya, you have some very deep wonders. Did you explore Wonderopolis? Pick one of you wonders and try to find the answer!

  3. Why is a keyboard called a keyboard?

    Why is paper white? I learned that on wonderopolis that they use bleach to make it white.

    Why do we need math in the world?

    Why do we need to wear costumes on halloween? on wonderopelis I learned that the Scottish children they dressed up as monsters because they thought that their were monsters.

    1. Caroline those are really great posts on your other post Helena had a comment that maybe you want to check out about how animals communicate!

    2. thanks for that info

  4. Caroline, I'm so glad you investigated the answers to some of your wonders!

  5. I wonder how many types of dogs there are in the world? I also Wonder what is the most common tree in the Brazil? I wonder who was the first horse to live?

  6. I could not find answers for any of my questions.

    1. Camille, we will investigate your wonders further! We might use Kids Infobits to look for more information.

  7. I wonder… How many white labs live in Texas? Were do coconut trees grow? And how many people crossed the land bridge?

  8. I didn't find anything.:(

    1. Don't worry, Helena! We can use other databases to find answers.

  9. My wondered what was the fastest flying bird so I looked it up on wonderopilus and it was the Peregrine falcon.

    1. Hmmm do you think that might be why we are the Kinkaid Falcons? Why would we choose a Falcon as our mascot?

  10. I wonder how many eggs do a spiders lay in it's life time? All so if animals could talk to each other? all so I wonder how did hollowing start?

  11. I learned that a leshrow is the worlds smallest mammal. How do they survive in the wild?

    1. What's a "Leshrow"?

    2. I think a Leshrow is a type of shrew!

  12. I learned that some spiders make nets with their silk and then they throw the nets over insects that get close enough!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Jack D, signing off!!!!

  13. I wonder why your lips are a different color from the rest of your body!

    Why Halloween is supposed to be scary!

    Why we have homework!

    1. Ya Why do we have home work?

    2. ya why do we have homework? mrs kottler can you tell us at school why can't you just teach it at school. it gives us more freedom and more time to play.

  14. Hi its Kate and here are my wonders.........How many people live in the world? How many animals are in the world? How many books were written in the world? How many Native american tribes are there and what were there names? How do Natives learn there language? How do blind and deaf communicate? Why do we have home work?
    With lots of love Kate

  15. I wonder how many animals there are in the world? You know how we read that book about spiders, I wonder how they make silk in there body? Why do some spiders have poison and some don't? One time, I was watching a show and they were in the amazon they saw a spider web that felt like medal isn't silk soft? Why do snakes shed skin? wa ha ha ha who invented HALLOWEEN he must have been cool. Bye. see you tomorrow!

  16. answer Blind people have brail and blind sticks and deaf have a language that is cool!!!!!

  17. I wondered how many days can spiders live with no food or water? And can black widows kill you? I think spiders are very intresting. It's cool that a lot of spiders are not dangerous. See you next time.

  18. I wondered about helicopters and this is what I learned. NL helicopters are eight pounds. I also looked at night vision goggles. A fire department uses them to get down fires.

  19. I wondered,"how does a round camera lens produce a rectangular picture? I didn't get a derect answer,but I did find out that inside each camera is a robotic something that paints the picture that you take in about 5 seconds!


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