Wednesday, October 8, 2014

Native American Learning

Today we watched the movie American Heritage: Native Americans. The movie is posted below if you would like to watch any part again. Please try to share at least three sentences of new learning. What region are you most interested in studying?


  1. I learned lots of things today! But here are my favorites. 1. The Cherokee had 87 letters in their alphabet 2. We got Lacrosse from The Cherokee Tribe 3. There was a tribe named Mohawk!!!!!!!!!!

    1. I learned that the southwest indians were also farmers, not just hunters and that one of their tribes were named the Anazasi.

    2. I think that was cool to !

    3. Good brain-tracking, Malaya!

  2. I learned that the water level fell lots long ago. They had kindness to all animals. Pueblo people built houses with adobe.

    1. I have respect to animals too!

    2. Respect for animals and nature will be a big theme as we study the Native lifestyle. Good work, James!

  3. I learned that Pueblo built homes on top of each other. We got Lacrosse from the Mohawks. And the water level dropped a long time ago!!!

  4. I learned that the Cherokee played a game like Lacrosse , they had two kinds of houses and that many tribes used buffalo for many things.

    1. Great thinking Ryan.

    2. There were ALOT of buffalo.

    3. The buffalo were an important resource. We will learn what happened to the great buffalo herds soon.

  5. I learned a lots of cool facts but the coolest are... 1. The Southeast made a game called Little War they is vary close to lacrosse! 2. They also were the first to have a written language! 3. They made 2 different types of houses.

    1. I thought that was cool to.

    2. Why do you think they needed a summer house and a winter house?

    3. Why can't they have just one house?

  6. I learned that the Cherokee tribe had two types of houses. The Cherokee were the first native americans to have a written language. The Great Plains was the first place to have horses in North America.

    1. We will learn how horses changed the lifestyle of the Cherokee soon!

    2. I learned more about the Cherokee more than any tribe. I think they are the most interesting tribe.

  7. I had a lot of fun learning about the Natives today. 1. Natives tell a lot of story's. 2. Natives sedal Great in 6 different regions The South East, The Great Plains, The Eastern Woodlands, The California Inter - moutin Range, and The North West Coast! 3. The Cherroke Chief's were the first people to play lacrosse ( My brothers LOVE lacrosse!)
    Sincerely, Kate

    1. I would like to learn about the Kiowas and Tonkawas.

    2. My brother plays lacrosse too Kate!

  8. I leaned that Indians had a lot in comin. And a lot of indins depended on animals. It's also cool that some Indians could move there houses! It's like Indians are different but still the same.

    1. Yes, Garrett, good noticing. Many tribes had similar customs and others were very different from each other. Which tribes do you think you are interested in learning about?

  9. I learned lots of cool facts today. These are some of them. #1. lots of tribes hunted buffalo. #2 the water level dropped. #3 lots of respect for plants. #4 tribes were very different. #5 they told stories by history. #6 the Sioux had horses. #7 most tribes were villages. #8 Tribes had a chief. #9 They had a game called little war; it was very close to lacrosse. #10 They talked about war. #11 They made houses out of dry clay. #12 They made lots of things out of clay. #13 They used tar to make boats. #14 They walked a lot . #15 They lived in teepees that were big.

    1. Wow. Great job!

    2. Good facts, Chloe. You commented on many different tribes.

  10. I thought that move had a lot of cool fats! I learned that Mandan men did farming and the Mandan drove buffalos of a steep cliff and then the buffalos get killed! The Cherokee lived in tow different kind of houses a winter house and a summer house.

    1. I think its interesting that they had to run the buffalo off the cliff.

  11. I learned lots of cool facts today! These are some of them. The Cherokee were farmers. They grew corn, tobacco, and other crops! They also had winter houses and summer houses. The winter houses were small and round, the summer houses were big and square. The Iroquois had a large population their houses were very nice houses made from elm tree. There were no trees so the men would hunt buffalo. One man made 5 Iroquois tribes unite. The Pueblo made their houses out of adobe.

    1. I'm sorry I made a mistake I meant to say the Iroquois don't have hunters!

    2. I cannot wait for this unit:)

  12. I learned that the pueblo built houses out adobe. The pueblo built stationary houses. The plains indians fallowed their food. I would like to study the tundra region.

  13. The cherokee had two different houses, they had winter and summer. The winter one was smaller. The Indians should have been called natives. 50 people in the tribes were like a governemtn and they set a good example and they would plan out stuff and tell when they would have war. The great plains indians lived in grass lands and they are hunters too, even the women. The pueblo made stoves out of adobe clay. And the great plains indian brought jerky from buffalo. I want to learn more about the mohawk and the cherokee, their language and what they used to signal their people and what their weapons were.

  14. WOW, Brody. Excellent comments and wonders! The Iroquois Confederacy is such an interesting example of government. Looking forward to learning more with you!

  15. I learned that the cherokee had a government and Moavi made made canos and the native Americans respected nature because they live in nature.

  16. I learned that the great plain indians used buffalo to make shoes, clothes, and make food from the buffalo. All so they would make houses out of it to. And I learned that tepees where easy to carry. And I learned that people came to the south west indians with sheep and that changed the hole way of living in the south west.


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