Wednesday, October 30, 2013


It's the night before Halloween! Is your costume ready? What will you be for Halloween? What is your Halloween night tradition? Be safe and don't eat too much candy!


  1. I am wearing a purple Morphsuit i think i am either going to a friends house or going to my Haloween party

  2. I am wearing a boy riding and ostrich costume. It is a bow up one with air legs, but my legs are in the ostrich legs. It is really funny and I dance. We always go down the street to a neighbors house for a before Halloween party. They have a haunted house but my mom and I do not go in. My dad is inside the haunted house with a scary costume. Then I play in the circle with my friends.

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  4. I'm going to be a camo morphsuit for halloween. I think I'm going to go to a halloween party.

  5. Im going to be a black morphsuit. Im going to my nabberhood party for halloween. HAPPY HALLOWEEN!!!!

  6. I am going to be a softball player this year. Our halloween tradition is that our street has a block party and they have all kinds of things! We have bobbing for apples, s'mores, kickball, snacks, desserts, hula hooping, hot dogs. And my favorite, the pumpkin piƱata. I really like it because it has a lot of fun things to do! And I'm looking forward to halloween!

    1. wow sounds awesome

    2. All that food sounds sooooooooooooooo yummy!!!!!!!!!!

  7. I am going to be a ninja with my next door neighbors who are 5,3,and 1! If it rains my mom says we will put candy around my house and my next door neighbors will trick or treat in my house and then my family will go to their house and trick or treat in their house. After they go home to go to sleep I am going to be a go-go girl with my sister Kendall! We have white go go boots and fake patent leather dresses with polka dots on them. We are wearing pink wigs and have dangling earrings. We are having pizza for dinner before we go get candy. Have a spooktacular halloween!

  8. I'm being a alien warrior and our hole street goes from one house to another house.

  9. I am being a Greek goddess named Venus. Every year, after I go trick-or treating I sort the candy. I sort the candy into groups of what I want and don't want. Then I give other trick-or treaters the candy that I don't like so no candy is wasted.

    1. That's a great idea! No candy is wasted!

  10. I'm going to be a vampire and my brother is going to be wolverine for halloween.Every year my block has a party with hotdogs and a cookie cake MMMM yummy! What I do every year is that I run around the block and get the most candy I can ( it's a block thing).


  11. My costume is called ROTTEN TO THE CORE!!! It is like a swamp zombie. I like the scary costumes best. I wonder what you are going to be? I often go trick-or-treating with friends. My favorite candy is Baby Ruth and Snicker's. I hope it does not rain tomorrow night!

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  13. This year I will be a Storm Trooper and my brouther will be Darth Vador. Our tradition is to visit our relatives. houses. And I have to traide in 90% of the candy to mom for a gift. Happy Halloween

  14. My costume is a go-go girl. A go-go girl is a 60s dancer. My family's tradition is to take a picture by our ghost.I always go trick or treating with the other kids in my neighborhood.I also have a neighborhood Halloween party,with a lot of activities such as,Mummy wrapping,bobbing for apples,taco truck and karaoke. Hope you have a spooktacalur Halloween!

  15. My costume is going to be a JACK-o-lantern. Our tradition is to carve pumpkins. We always take a lot of photos. I hope everyone has a happy halloween!

  16. My costume is going to be a JACK-o-lantern. Our tradition is to carve pumpkins. We always take a lot of photos. I hope everyone has a happy halloween!

  17. My costume is going to be a GOUL,with red glowing eyes and a thing to, change my voice. My tradition is to go to a house with my brother and sister with the best and biggest candy !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  18. My costume is going to be Thing 1 and Helen is going as Thing 2. The costumes have a giant, blue afro! My tradition is to carve pumkins (I'm always grossed out by the gew inside of the pumkins). I have a goal for this Halloween, it's to have at least 100 pieces of candy!! I am soooooooooooooooooooooooo ready and exited for Halloween!!!

  19. my costume is going a hulk and my family tradition is that we eat first and then we trick or treat.

  20. Im going to be Percy Jackson for halloween so Im wearing jeans and one of the t-shirts from the books.

  21. I am going to be a pink lady. We go trick-or-treating with a friend every year. And we get a lot of candy.


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