Wednesday, March 4, 2015

A Long Journey

A Long Trip

 We continue reading books about the long journey West. We know that the pioneers travelled 2,000 miles from Independence, Missouri to Oregon Country. The trip was slow-going and took 6 months by wagon! Think about the longest trip you have been on. How did you get to your destination (bike, car, plane, ship)? What did you do for entertainment? How did you feel when you arrived?


  1. I am going to atlantis for spring break it is 2 hours away I am going by plane I will probably watch a movie.

  2. I think that the longest trip I took was to Hawaii it was 8 hours. I went by plane and it took FOR EVER!!!!!!!!!

  3. I'm going to London+Paris for spring break it's 13 hour trip to London I have to sleep on the plane but I'm probably gonna watch movies the whole time!!!!

    1. I was at Paris for Christmas last year. We stayed with a friend there.

    2. My trip takes 13 hours too.

  4. I beleive the longest trip I ever did was to chicogo to new york and back. It took about 5 hr to go to chigogo, about 3 hr to new york, and 7 hr to go back. So in toltal 15 hr.

  5. I think the longest trip I have been on is to France or to somewhere in Costa Rica where the place we were staying the closest grocery store was 1 hour away!

  6. The logest trip I went on was to Florida.

    1. What did you do?

    2. I'd like to know what you did to Fiona.

  7. The longest trip that I can remember is when I went to New Orleans when I got their I thought I was going to barf!

  8. I don’t which trip was the longest, but I think it was my flight to Argentina. It was…

    1. What did you do on the flight? How did you feel when you got there?

  9. My longest trips were Hawaii and London, they were like 10 for Hawaii and 8 for London. I do not remember a lot about Hawaii because it was a long time ago but I do remember London watched a movie than we took off than I watched another movie, than I ate, than I read than I went to bed. When I got there I was tired, hungry and happy to be there

    1. Georgia, you felt just like a pioneer when you arrived in London!

  10. Replies
    1. sorry that was a comment on Georgia!

  11. Hi the longest trip I have been on was New York it took 3 hours And I played on my ipad watched movies and read!

  12. A'm about to go on my longest car ride ever! Were going to Santefei in New Mexico and it's going to take 13 hours! I'm going to see idians!Were leving at 4 in the morning and we bought 15 movies for the ride. My mom had a great idea to envolve the classic moveis, we ordered the fool sereis of the brady bunch 127 episodes!!!!!! We coulden't heip our sefls we just had to watch the brady buch, so we started watch it's SUPER funny. Any way are cosents the Casys (my awesomest cosents) own 4 houses in Santefei, so they invited us to stay in one of thier houses. We will learn how to ski and it's going to be the fist time i am going to touch snow!!! And it's on spring break! I know im going to have so much fun with my cosents and my family, and i will bring pitchers to show you all about my trip. well that's all, thanks for raeding and i hope every one has a good spring break.

    1. Garrett, it sounds like you will be well entertained in the car! I'm so glad you will see touch for the first time with your cousins. Skiing is so fun! I didn't touch snow or learn to ski until I was in high school. You'll love it!

  13. The longest trip I ever took was 16 hours by car to Sanibel Island, Florida. What I did for entertainment was watch movies, read books and I played on my Iphone 4. I felt like I just wanted to jump into the waves.

    1. I'm sure you did want to jump into the waves and just run around after 16 hours in the car. Wow!

  14. This summer we are going to Maui, Hawaii with our cousins. It is 3,814 miles. And it is about an 8 hour flight. And my longest journey in a car was from Newport Beach, California to San Francisco, California. It was about 425 miles. And the longest journey I've ever been on on a bike was about 12 miles in Sun Valley, Idaho.

  15. my longest plane trip was to Costa Rica i don't remember a lot about it but here's what i know we wen't out of the United States, we arrived at 12:00 pm, we got sun burnt a lot, and you have to know this watch out for the people with camras. Kay and I were drinking shakes when a photo person came up and said, ah you boy friend girl friend yes no? Kay and I but now Cochran had to smile then she said, go to the aqua, whats the aqua? Cochran asked. Then on we always tried to hide from them. But the rest of the trip was awesome.

  16. This year imaging to Jamaica it is really fun my grandma and g pa and g ma live there they are really nice the y make really good food also. they have a pool and are really funny my g pa picks up a lot it is so fun.he is also very kind he always nows when my birthday is and my g maps cool she can twirl me around but i love them both equally. this year I'm going to swim with dolphins

  17. This will probly be short but I will talk about my longest miles i went biking. I was at my farm and early in the morning my dad said lets go biking so i changed and we got on are bikes and went off. I said lets beat last times record 17, but at 15 I was tiered off going up a mileon hills, i got splinters on my thumbs and my butt heart so badly . But my dad said almost there, so i thought about how i would get to rest at home and before i new it i was back at home.

  18. I would say my longest hike was about 11 miles there and back! It took about 8 or 9 hours to get to our destination but when I got to Rust Lake the whole camp site was full of snow. My longest car ride was to Colorado, it took about 2 days. Or 18 hours.


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