Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Westward Expansion

Today we viewed a short video about the Oregon Trail. What is a fact that impressed you or stood out to you?  What are at least two wonders you would like to investigate further? Please read each other's comments and try not to repeat posts.

Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Realistic Fiction

In preparation for our realistic fiction writing unit, we have been identifying character traits in the stories and texts we are reading. Please start brainstorming a fictional character you might want to write a story about. What are his or her physical traits (looks) and personality traits (how he/she acts)? Think of a problem your character might face in your fiction story and share with us!

Wednesday, January 15, 2014

International Fair

Have you found the answer to your wonder about Australia or India yet? Use this link LS Subscription Databases to read more about Australia and India. Please write two new facts you have learned about either country. Please read your classmates' responses and try to post something new and different. 

Wednesday, January 8, 2014

International Fair Wonders

What are your wonders about India and Australia? Please write at least one QUESTION you hope to learn the answer to for each country. Read your classmates' posts. Please do not repeat questions!